Are you someone who loves to travel and explore new places but feels like it’s too expensive to do so? Well, we have a solution for you! RVs may have been a thing of the past, but they’re coming back, better than ever! You may have seen some on your Pinterest or Instagram feed, but they’re not just there to sit and look pretty. Keep reading to find out everything an RV has to offer!
1. New Perspective
Sure, you can take a plane ride over to California from Florida and it would be quicker, but RVs offer a brand new perspective. In an RV, you can see, first hand, how much the scenery changes as you cross state lines. You are suddenly not looking down on everything this world has to offer in tiny font, but you are riding along with the mountains, lakes, sunrises, sunsets, and wildlife on your journey. RVs will help you appreciate the journey just as much as the destination.
2. Save Your Money
One of the greatest perks of an RV is saving money. When you buy an RV it is an investment, and you definitely will get returns of this investment. Once you invest in an RV, say goodbye to having to pay for airplane tickets, hotels, and rental cars ever again. Don’t forget to mention how much money you’ll be saving on food since you can stock up your fridge with all the goodies you’d like and cook it in the comfort of your RV kitchen. Everything you need is right there in your RV: transportation, housing, and lounging. Fun fact: According to Go RVing and the RV Industry Association, “there are cost savings of 21-64% for a four-person travel party, while a two-person travel party saves 8-53%.” So what are you waiting for — go get an RV and start traveling!

3. Comfort & Privacy
Your RV is like your home away from home — you have all your essentials right there when you need it. Additionally, with COVID-19, this is a great time to purchase an RV for your travel. You don’t have to worry about a mask and if the person next to you may have COVID or even have any sickness in that cramped space. You also don’t need to be concerned about being on time for your flight or missing it because with an RV, everything is on your schedule. Furthermore, your RV will allow you to veg out comfortably without being judged, and what a luxury it is to spread out your legs on your way to your destination. Also, picture this scene from Pitch Perfect: Fat Amy is driving the bus while everyone else starts breaking out to Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus — this could be you and your family or friends, would an airplane ride allow you to do this?
Jessica Bordner Photography
4. Bring Your Fur Babies
For many people who have pets, traveling is a hassle because you either have to find a sitter or put them in daycare. Some people even bring their pets with them on the plane but it is expensive, and it’s not like they’re riding first class. RVs allow you to bring your pets to travel with you, and you don’t need to worry about stressing if the hotels will let you have them. You can stop to let them out to go to the bathroom whenever, and they make amazing travel buddies. This lady even dedicated an entire TikTok and Instagram page to her two adorable french bulldogs who travel with her, so they can see the world as they are getting older. Aren’t they adorable?!
5. An RV for Everyone
Just like houses, there’s a variety of options, and you are bound to find the perfect RV for yourself. RVs come in all shapes, sizes, and prices. You don’t have to buy the most luxurious RV on the market with multiple slide outs if you don’t need all that jazz, you can even go for something as simple as a small RV that can be pulled behind your vehicle. The point being — it is completely up to your discretion. The best part is, once you find your dream RV, you can decorate and furnish it however you please — it is literally your second home; therefore, you will always have a part of home with you wherever you go!
Jessica Bordner Photography
Now that you have read about all the benefits of having an RV, it is your time to shine and buy one! Don’t worry about where to store it because we’ve got you covered on that part! Check out this new house on 5 Windsor Road in Tequesta, Florida that has a spot to park an RV, specifically enough room for up to a 42’ Class A motorhome with 50 amp electrical service included. You don’t want to miss this opportunity, contact our listing agent, Katie Blineau, today!