
4 Tips for Achieving the Perfect Shelf Decor

4 Tips for Achieving the Perfect Shelf Decor

When it’s time to sell your home, you want it looking its best. This often means putting your designer hat on and doing a bit of staging. One of the many areas to consider breathing new life into is your shelving. Though often overlooked, shelves are an opportunity to strike a balance between functional storage and fashionable display.

If you’re looking to make your house more memorable, here are four tips for curating shelves that are stylish and creative.

10 Storage Solutions that Don't Involve a Closet

10 Storage Solutions that Don't Involve a Closet

If you don’t have a closet in your bedroom or your current closet just isn't cutting it, this post is for you! The Meyer Lucas Real Team in Jupiter, Florida has 10 solutions to add more storage to your room without using a closet!